The site-specific METRO STATION project
was supposed to be implemented at the end
of April 2022. The project represented the opening ceremony of a new station in the spirit
of the Stalin-era Moscow metro of the second stage, known for its Soviet lifestyle propaganda.
The Metro wasn’t just a new type of transport.
It was an “underground palace” for the nation. Party decisions, military events, the friendship
of nations, and other soviet archetypes
and mythologems were reflected in the art wrought into the stations and vestibules
of the Metro by the best artists and architects.
The “successes” of our state in recent years
have not been demonstrated in the interiors
of the newly opened stations.
We wanted
to correct that and ironically use it to the best effect, given the policy vector of our state.
The project was conceived before the events in Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022.
We think it is impossible for us to carry
out projects planned before the beginning
of Russian military aggression in Ukraine. Everything we want to say now can
be seen here.
The name of the station is “Конечная” (“Terminus”)
The project included:
A mosaic panel titled "My Russia" depicting
a sun-drenched wheat field with a bare-chested
man lying on the ground gazing dreamily into the sky, with a Sukhoi Superjet 100 soaring upwards (the first passenger aircraft developed
by Russia after the fall of the USSR in 2008)
A Stalin Empire-style Chandelier imitation, occupying almost the entire "station".
A light and sound installation depicting
the passage of a train through the tunnel.
A performance part. The new entrance hall
opening would be filled with people who would
look like government representatives.
A project that won't happen, 2022