Oleg Zhuravlev is a sociologist.

He is a researcher with Public Sociology Laboratory (Russia). He received his PhD in Social Sciences from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). His research is focused on social movements, the sociology of knowledge, Marxism, pragmatic sociology, and the theory of the "event" as a way of thinking about empirical data in the social sciences.

His articles have been published in Post-Soviet Affairs, the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Studies in East European Thought, Laboratorium, and others. He took part in PS Lab projects on political mobilizations in Russia and Ukraine as well as the war in the Donbass region. Currently, he is involved in the research projects "Nationalism from a comparative perspective: Post-conflict Ukraine and Serbia (supported by the Russian Science Foundation) and "Labor and temporality under neoliberalism" (supported by the Khamovniki Foundation). Oleg shares a Marxist worldview and leftist political views. He is an activist of the Russian Socialist Movement.

Season 3 of Pomidor Residency,
from 14th to 30th of August 2022
Public Sociology Laboratory (PS Lab) is an autonomous research group focusing on politics and society in Russia and post-Soviet regions from a comparative perspective.

Public Sociology Laboratory was founded in 2011.
эъAt that time, and occasioned by the mass protests in Russia in December 2011, the founders of PS Lab began their research on protests and social movements in Russia, which subsequently expanded to include other post-Soviet regions. But PS Lab has a backstory too. Some of its members first met each other in 2007 as part of the OD Group—a student movement fighting for the transformation of education according to international standards in the Department of Sociology, Moscow State University.

The main areas of research

• Social movements, wars, revolutions, and protests
• Political reasoning and political consciousness of individuals and social groups
• Labor under neoliberal capitalism
• The political economy of authoritarian regimes

Since this beginning, PS Lab members have collaborated on multiple collective research projects and the Laboratory has come to include more members. PS Lab researchers have defended candidate (kandidat) and Ph.D. degrees in the social and political sciences and are currently working on a number of collective and individual projects on topics such as: civic politics, media, state, and labor.

Winter Minaev
Oleg Zhuravlev is a sociologist.

He is a researcher with Public Sociology Laboratory (Russia). He received his PhD in Social Sciences from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). His research is focused on social movements, the sociology of knowledge, Marxism, pragmatic sociology, and the theory of the "event" as a way of thinking about empirical data in the social sciences.

His articles have been published in Post-Soviet Affairs, the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Studies in East European Thought, Laboratorium, and others. He took part in PS Lab projects on political mobilizations in Russia and Ukraine as well as the war in the Donbass region. Currently, he is involved in the research projects "Nationalism from a comparative perspective: Post-conflict Ukraine and Serbia (supported by the Russian Science Foundation) and "Labor and temporality under neoliberalism" (supported by the Khamovniki Foundation). Oleg shares a Marxist worldview and leftist political views. He is an activist of the Russian Socialist Movement.
Selected Publications


Matveev I., Zhuravlev O. (2021). Loft offices and factory towns: Social sources of political polarization in Russia. Socialist Register, 58, 221—240

Zhuravlev, O., Ishchenko, V. (2020). Exclusiveness of civic nationalism: Euromaidan eventful nationalism in Ukraine. Post-Soviet Affairs, 36(3), 226-245

Public Sociology Laboratory (PS Lab) is an autonomous research group focusing on politics and society in Russia and post-Soviet regions from a comparative perspective.

Public Sociology Laboratory was founded in 2011. At that time, and occasioned by the mass protests in Russia in December 2011, the founders of PS Lab began their research on protests and social movements in Russia, which subsequently expanded to include other post-Soviet regions. But PS Lab has a backstory too. Some of its members first met each other in 2007 as part of the OD Group—a student movement fighting for the transformation of education according to international standards in the Department of Sociology, Moscow State University.

Since this beginning, PS Lab members have collaborated on multiple collective research projects and the Laboratory has come to include more members. PS Lab researchers have defended candidate (kandidat) and Ph.D. degrees in the social and political sciences and are currently working on a number of collective and individual projects on topics such as: civic politics, media, state, and labor.

The main areas of research

• Social movements, wars, revolutions, and protests
• Political reasoning and political consciousness of individuals and social groups
• Labor under neoliberal capitalism
• The political economy of authoritarian regimes

Season 3 of Pomidor Residency,
from 14th to 30th of August 2022
Winter Minaev
Summer school